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Projects Under National Research Programme for Universities ( NRPU )


Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization, GCWUF, recognizes and appreciates the contribution of GCWUF scientists who are working to enhance research portfolio of the university. During the year 2018, Directorate of ORIC feels elevated to announce that under the guidance of respected Vice Chancellor, following 8 projects amounting Rs. 25.063504 million under NRPU have been won by the faculty member of GCWUF. The Department of Chemistry has won five (5) projects followed by Zoology (2) and Food Science & Technology (1). ORIC congratulates all the project winners under NRPU and expects that in the upcoming years the researchers not only from above mentioned Departments but also from other Departments especially Faculty of Social Sciences will also explore new avenues for research funding from different sources. Well done researchers. Continue doing a great job. Research Projects Funded by HEC Under National Research Program for Universities For The Year 2017-2018Government College Women University Faisalabad Sr. No. Title of Research Project Principle Investigator Department Amount (Million) 1 Development of Aflatoxins Reducing Strategies for Zea Mays (DARSZ) Dr. Farhat Jubeen Chemistry 4.1 2 Development of green electrospun nano composites for wound dressing Dr. Faiza Nazir Chemistry 1.618177 3 Biotreatments of Nusts to maintain nutritional quality against micytoxin during storage Dr. Rehana Naseer Chemistry 2.7 4 Theoratical-Kinetic and photochemical studies exciplexes of newly synthesied coumarin based light emitting and CHEOTHERAPIC Compounds Dr. Sadia Asim Chemistry 4.69 5 Development of immobilize consortium of multiple dye degrading peroxidases for efficient treatment of textile effluents: from laboratory to industrial scale Dr. Umme Kalsoom Chemistry 2.96 6 Mitigation Strategiesto reduce acrylamide in potato chips Dr. Mehwaish Aziz Food Science & Technology 2.355327 7 Comparative analysis of oxidative stress biomarkers associated with DNA instability as a function of metal pollution in fish from Ravi and Chenab River, Punjab Dr. Safina Kousar Zoology 3.39 8 Screening of the bacterial community structure in a BFT based acqua culture of C.idella under varying low cost wastes as C source Dr. Sumaira Aslam Zoology 3.25 Total 25.063504

on Dated 2019-01-04