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The first session of a two day symposium on ‘Promoting Research Trends


The first session of a two day symposium on ‘Promoting Research Trends: A Paradigmatic Approach towards Postcolonial Studies’ was held today, organized by the department of English GCWUF. The event followed a series of informative and intellectual presentations by students of 7th A English department. The symposium was supervised by Ms. Fauzia Amin, lecturer in English, GCWUF. Different aspects of Postcolonial studies including Brief History of Colonization, Orientalism and Subalternism were presented by students that emulated conviction as well as intellect. The students proved the quality of research oriented education, meticulously provided to them by the dedicated faculty members of the department. Furthermore, a mime entitled ‘Precolonialism towards Postcoloniality’ was also presented by the students of 7th A English department, which encapsulated the causes and consequences of colonialism in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The event was convened by the chairperson of English department, Madam Rahat Afza, who appreciated the efforts of all participants as well as the faculty. The audience also enjoyed and learned a lot by the proceedings of the event. Overall, it was an informative, intellectual and enjoyable session at the same time.

on Dated 2019-11-20