Department of Computer Science GCWUF organized Final Year Project Exhibition. Worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Robina Farooq was the chief guest of the ceremony. Ms. Saher Hussnain, Incharge Deprtmt of Computer Science, welcomed the honourable chief guest and all other guests of the ceremony. Mr. Farhan Tufail CEO Invictus Solutions attended the exhibition along with his IT Team. He reviewed each project and suggested changes for improvements. Ms. Saher Hussnain explained the objectives of the exhibition and introduced the participants to worthy Vice Chancellor. Madam Vice Chancellor viewed every project closely and appreciated the efforts of the students. Later, every participant received certificate of participation by respected Vice Chancellor, GCWUF. The participants had a group photo with Honourable Vice Chancellor, Registrar GCWUF Dr. Zill-i-Huma Nazli, Coordinator Dr. Imrana, and Incharge Computer Science Ms. Saher hussnain. Faculty members of CS department were also present on the occasion.