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MOU with Read Pakistan Trust


Human health, economic wellbeing and the reading habit relate to each other. Government College Women University Faisalabad has leaped forward to strengthen its knowledge friendly campus environment by signing an MOU with Read Pakistan Trust Islamabad. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Robina Farooq from GCWUF and Mr. Farrukh Dall from Read Pakistan Trust signed the memorandum of understanding. It is a step to encourage our students to develop and promote book-reading habit. Both the organizations will conduct the following activities under this MOU: 1. Read 50 Books A Year International Competition 2. Writing Competition 3. Read Pakistan Book Club Joining Directorate Student Affairs under Ms. Asma Aziz will organize all these activities in the university in collaboration of Read Pakistan Trust. Madam Vice Chancellor appreciated the DSA on her efforts to initiate healthy activities for university students.


Event Organized By GCWUF
Held on 2021-09-09